How to Make Money Online in Nigeria -Discover 30 Secrete Ways to Make Over N500,000 Every Month into your Bank Account in Nigeria.
The best way to make money online is to learn from experts. That’s what this blog is all about. Here you will see the latest online money making opportunities and other online businesses in Nigeria. publishes Beginner’s Guide on How to Make MoneyOnline in Nigeria. Here, we teach you various ways to generate income from the internet. Some of the topics I teach here are; Blogging tips, Affiliate Marketing, Information Marketing, Online Freelancing, Google AdSensee and more.
As a matter of fact, this site you are reading makes at least $2500 dollars per month. This amount is very small just because it’s still new (about a year old). With it’s potential, it will make more that $20,000/month in the next 3-5 yearsI will show you evidence later.
Here, I will also teach you how to create your own online products such as eBooks, apps, softwares etc and sell it to people who needs them and make extra cash online.  I will also teach you complete affiliate marketing strategies you can use to double your income.
You will have a lot to learn here if you are very attentive. I took my time to share fast way of making money in Nigeria 2017. Again, be ready to take action after reading it because there is no amount of reading will make money for you if you don’t implement the knowledge you learn.
There are many ways to make money online in Nigeria. In fact, there are over 100 ways you can make money in Nigeria. I am going to show you how to make money online in Nigeria fast. These are the strategies that most experts like us use to unlock internet wealth for free.
Also, I am going to show you those ideas that are currently working in Nigeria today. This blog has  a complete guide for anyone who wants to make money online in Nigeria.
If you are smart enough, you can pick one or two of the online business ideas to maximize your income online.
Before I start, let look at the Nigerian Internet Marketplace and how it works.

How is Internet Used in Nigeria?

According to Internet Live Stat, Nigeria is currently the 8th largest users of the internet globally. This statistics speaks a lot about the potential of internet in Nigerian economy.
The Nigerian  population is large (over 180 million plus people and growing) and everyday, over 50 million Nigerians use Google or other search engines to find information from the internet.
The availability of mobile devices make internet accessibility to be so easy. Anybody can just access internet anywhere in the country.   That’s the reason why eCommerce thrive so well in Nigeria.
The implication is that, anything can be done on the internet. There are over 100 internet business ideas you can pick and exploit the market. You can develop virtually anything on the internet; bet it online store, tools, software, apps, blogs and more.
In this blog, I will explain many ways you can make money online in Nigeria and elsewhere.
Lets start…

How to Make Money Online in Nigeria

Basically, the only way to make money online is to provide a service or sell a good to someone behind another computer connected to the internet.You can even make money online in Nigeria without paying money to start. Just like any other business, to make money online, you will either need to invest your time, money or both.

How do I make Money Online in Nigeria?

Unfortunately, many people to wrote on how to make money online do not know how to do it. In my case, I have so many sources of online income. Most of them cannot be documented.
I basically make money from the following;
  • (1) Google AdSense,
  • (2) Affiliate Marketing,
  • (3) Information Marketing (product sales),
  • (4) Direct Advertising,
  • (5) Premium Services (Freelancing).
See some of the evidence are shown below;

1. Google AdSense

The below picture is my 3 months AdSense earning dashboard. I had to engrave a link to  free online business training registration page – to avoid indiscriminate use of the image online. I receive the money directly into my bank account here in Nigeria.

Adsense Earnings Dashboard 1 (click the image to see the larger picture)

AdSense Earnings Dashboard 2 (click the image to see the larger picture)

This one is a brief daily, weekly and monthly earning from Google AdSense.

2. Information Marketing, eBooks and Premium Services.

Here is my bank state for one month. I basically sell a very cheap eBook for only N1,000 and so many people buy them because they are useful.
Bank Statement for August 2015 (click the image to see the larger picture)

Check the date! I cut out the middle of the month… It was just so lengthy
That’s  how I made over 500k in a month in brief. I am simply selling a very simple information. The money increased from 600k plus balance to 1.3 million plus in the same month. That’s the power of online business.

3. From Affiliate Marketing

I also make money online from affiliate marketing and I receive the money here in Nigeria.
See some evidence below.
(a) Commission Junction: I make some dollars from commission junction affiliates. You can click the picture to see the full image

(b) Konga Affiliate: I also make money online from Konga affiliate (the amount is in the blue circle)

Those are my documented source of online income. If you add up all the sources, it may amount to about N400,000 every month.  So stop waiting for white collar job, start something. You never can tell what will work well for you. I have other services I render to people online to make money too. You can check out the hire me mage.

About My FREE Internet Business Training

I am conducting an email only training on internet business (emails only). So, if you are not in the training list, consider registering here. Our training is 100% free.
After that, I do publish some of the lessons on the blog section of this website.
These are the topics I cover;
That’s a brief about me and this website and what we do. So, let’s go into different ways that experts use to make money online in Nigeria.
 Let’s start…

Why Should you Start an Online Business?

See the five reasons below
  1. Low Startup Capital: Unlike running a traditional business that you need to sort-out money to rent a shop space, you do not need to have a physical store or physical outlet to showcase your inventory. So, in this way, you save a lot of startup capital. See: How to Make Money Online Without Any Investment with a FREE Blog
  2. Always Open for Business: For example, if you have a website and its 24/7 ready to accept payment, anyone can pay you anytime anywhere in the world
  3. Work Anywhere you want: For me, sometimes I work in café, sometimes I work from home. So it’s up to you and you have the flexibility to work anywhere you want. With online business, you can sit at home and become rich.
  4. Access to Global Market: You have access to global market instead of just a local market. As for me, most of my student for my online course comes from the countries that are outside of Singapore where I live in. So, to go to tap on the global market that have a very huge potential
  5. Cost Saving: As compared to year ago when I have a physical classroom to conduct my class, now I conduct my class online, so I save the rental, I save the logistics, I save the transportation cost. SO, there are lots of costs that you can save if you decided to run an online business

Five Types of Online Business you can start

In this section, I am going to share with you 5 different types of online businesses that you can consider to start in the future.
  1. Selling Physical Products: The most type of online business is selling physical products. For example, if you manufacture, you design, or you create handicraft, you can then sell these physical products through a website. So you can setup a shopping or eCommerce website and you can put all your items online and when people come to your website, they can just payment. After you receive the payment, you can send them the product9s) that they have ordered. The disadvantages of selling physical products are that you have created your own products or buy these physical products from somewhere else before you can ship it to your customers.
  2. Selling Digital Products: What I mean by digital product are products like eBooks, online videos, audios or software. These are products that are not tangible. When people purchase it, they will receive link to download. So you don’t need to package and ship them out to your customers address. The advantage of this business model is that you do not need to create a physical product and ship them out to people who ordered for them. This business has low maintenance as compared to selling physical products.
  3. Selling Services Online: There is a website called where you can find a lot of people offering their services to you for a small fee. For certain services, only $5 will do. So, If you do services like logo design, drawing of graphics, writing of articles, online marketing, video animation, and programming. You can offer these types of services online through this very popular platform called Fiverr. Simple go to Fiverr and list your services.
  4. Selling Other People’s Products or Services: This is a very common type of online business. Here instead of selling your products or service, you are selling other people’s products or services. This is commonly called affiliate marketing. How is works is that, if I am an affiliate, I don’t need to have my own products, I don’t need to provide my own services, All I need is to go online and search for other peoples products or services and become their affiliate to promote their product. Take for example, if you go to Amazon, you can see that amazon offer a program called Amazon Associates. If you join the associate program, you will get affiliate link from Amazon. So, then you can to promote any Amazon product. You can send your affiliate links to your friends and it your friends click on your affiliate links and go to Amazon and purchase any product from Amazon, you earn a commission of the sales. That’s how it works. The grate advantage of affiliate marketing is that you do not need to have any of your own product or services. All you need to do is to join an affiliate program and you are good to go. Make sure that affiliate program have a lot of good products for you to promote.
  5. Selling Advertising Space: If you have a popular website, a blog or you have a popular newsletter, you sell an advertisement space to companies or to small businesses to help them to advertise their products or services. Of course, the disadvantage of this is that for many beginners who do not have a popular website or a popular newsletter, this will take a lot of time to build it up.

How Much Money Do you need to start an Online Business?

Let’s breakdown the financial requirements
  1. Domain name ($10 per year)
  2. Web Hosting ( $0.99 for first year with free domain name)
In order to have an online business, you will need to have a website or a blog. In order to have a website, you need two (2) things. You need a domain name and you need hosting. A domain name means the url that people have to key-in to find your website. For example my domain name is and that is the url I have registered. To register a domain name, it cost about $10 or less per year. You can register at Godaddy.
The second thing is a hosting. You need a hosting because your website need an online server to store your information. Hosting will give you the access of server space. Hosting will cost about $100 per year or less. For web hosting, I recommend three hosting companies – like Godaddy.
  1. Web Development:
Now that you know the price for domain name and hosting, the next thing is the web design. There are two ways to create your website.
  • You can learn and do it yourself, which is not that difficult especially with the introduction of WordPress. You can use WordPress to create website without learning programming.
  • You can ask someone to do it for you. So depending on your category or your criteria, it may cost from $500 to $5,000 depending on your requirement.
  • Product Development: If you are selling a physical product, you have to calculate how much the cost to manufacture the product is. If you buy the product from somewhere and resell it at a higher price, then you need to find out the price that you will pay for the product that you are selling. It’s more costly if selling a physical product. For affiliate marketing, there is no product development fee involved. So if you are starting an online business based on affiliate marketing, then you do not need to budget for the product development fee
  • Email Service Provider : Many people have not included this into their startup cost. These email service provider is a software that help you maintain communication with your subscribers, or your customers no matter how large is your customer base. For example if you have 50,000 customers, autoresponder can help you to maintain communication though email with these clients. There are many autoresponders you can use. Most popular one is GetResponse, I pay about $20-$30 per month to have GetResnponse auto-responder services. Getresponse is good because you can send bulk emails at once. If you are using your gmail, yahoo or Hotmail, you will not be allowed to many emails in one time. That’s why you need email service provider so that you can mass send emails to your customers whenever you have offers, promotions, and you can nurture your subscribers in the list using the outoresponse feature.

See the Best 30 Ways on How to make Money Online in Nigeria

Here are the top 25 ways to make money online in Nigeria plus 5 bonus points, making it 30 in allI have also given example, links to read more and how to start them. Here, you will see the full list of money making opportunities in Nigeria 2017.
Let’s start…

1. Create a Search Engine

A web search engine is an internet  software that is designed for users to search for information on the World Wide Web.
A typical example is GoogleYahoo!,
You can own your own search engine and make money from advertising and sales of ads spaces. At any level, search engine makes money if you know how to promote it to get more users.
Few people who owns search engine in Nigeria are now making millions. A typical example of Nigerian owned search engines are, and more.
Owners of search engines make money online via advertising in the search results.
It isn’t hard to own a search engine of your own. There are ready made search engine crawler script your can buy now to build your fully optimized search engine website. Start with a cheap but fast web hosting here.

2. Start a Social Media and Forum

Don’t be afraid, just like Facebook, Twitter or Google+, you can start your own social media network here in Nigeria.
A social media network is a site that allows individuals to signup, interact with other peoples, share their knowledge and make new friends.
It doesn’t have to be as big as Facebook. You can even start small like a forum. Few people who start forum in Nigeria are now making it big.
Forum grows on it’s own because it’s the users that generate contents to make the site busy.
Example of top forums in Nigeria are NairalandJackobianGuruslodge and more. They make a lot of money each day from their forums through advertising, Google AdSense and email marketing.
It’s not hard to start a social media or forum. All you need to do is find agood niche, buy a social media scripts and install. There is a cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy that you can buy and start this business now.
Now, do the needed marketing strategies to promote your forum to get more users. People will come to advertise on your forum. You can use it to make money from Google AdSense or affiliate marketing.

3. Start Video Streaming Website

Watching videos online is becoming more popular now in Nigeria.
No wonder why YouTube is now the 2nd largest search engine in the whole worldafter the Big G. Video streaming websites is one of the best way to make money online in Nigeria.
Do you know that over 500k people search for Nollywood films online every month? You can collaborate with movie marketers to stream high quality HD Nollywood movies to your views.
You can make money from subscription, paid download, Google AdSense, Affiliate marketing and direct ads space sales.
Few people who started video streaming sites in Nigeria are, , IrokoTVIbakaTVand more. They also create video channel on Youtube. They are making it big online.
It’s not difficult to start a video streaming website. There are ready made video streaming script you can buy a cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy and install on your site.  They are fairly cheap compared to the amount you will be making when it goes life.

4. Start Job Website or Job Search Engine

This is currently one of the best ways to make money online here in Nigeria.
Considering the growing numbers of jobless graduate in the country, over over 20 million people go online every month in search of jobs.
You can tap this opportunity by creating a job search website. You may not stop here.
You can go further to establishing a recruitment firm where you work directly with job owners or recruiters.
There are many people who have made it big from this online business idea in Nigeria. A typical example are JobbermanHotnigerianjobsNGCareersJoblistNigeria and others.
They make money from Google AdSense, sponsored job listing, direct ads space sales as well as personalized services such as CV making, headhunting, consulting and more. You can even do more conducting interview training and compiling and selling job interview questions.
It’s quite easy to start a job website in Nigeria. All you need is a ready made job theme, a cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy and you are good to go.

5. Start an Online Store

Think and grow big. Online stores is currently growing in popularity in Nigeria. People now buys anything at the comfort of their home.
Not that they are lazy, but it’s just fun to shop from home and get your product delivered right to your door.
The pay on delivery system makes online shopping more popular. Buyers are not afraid of scam since they will only pay when the product are being delivered to them.
Wow! that is why Konga and Jumia rocks in Nigeria. In just three years Konga online store is now valued as a multi billion dollar business.
Currently, you can virtually sell anything online; ranging from digital product like eBooks, software, apps to physical products like electronics, phones, apparels, food products and more.
It’s becoming more easy to start your own online store.
In fact, you can start online store at any level. If you want to start in a large scale, you can use the services like Magento or Bigcommerce.
Bigcommerce makes it easy to sell online. You get a website, shopping cart, SEO, design, hosting and more. Try it for free!
This is where big shops that Konga and Jumia built their online store.
If you want to start your online store with a little budget, you can simple get a cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy and install WordPress, use premium shopping cart theme with WooCommerce plugin and your are good to go.

6. Start Affiliate Shop

Just like online store, you can build a fully affiliate shop and make more money from affiliate sales commission. This is rare but few people uses it to make money online. Affiliate shop is just like an online store.
The different is that you are not fully involve in the product sales and delivery.
Once the reader clicks on the “Buy Button”, they will be redirected to the merchant’s shop. Once they user buys anything from they, you will be paid a sales commission.
This is a new idea to make money online in Nigeria. A typical example is ShopDirect.NG (that site is for sell). All the links from the buy now buttons goes to Konga and Jumia shops.
It’s not difficult to create your online affiliate shop. All you need is cheap cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy a premium shopping theme and a Woocommerce plugin and you are good to go.

7. Start Entertainment Blog

This is rocking! Infact, 60% of Nigerians who visits internet everyday are reading entertainment blogs. They are actually interested in celebrity gossips, celebrity net worth, celebrity news and more.
So, if you are passionate about entertainment, start a blog on it and you will never regret.
There are many entertainment blogs in Nigeria. Notable ones are Linda Ikaji’s BlogTheNet.ngBellanaijaPulse.NgJamb result and more. They churn out thousands on dollars from Google AdSense and big advertising contracts.
This is the easiest online business idea to start.
But you have to be careful because there is a lot of competition in the niche. Notwithstanding, you can still make it big if you have a working strategy.
Most of the working strategies are, getting a very cheap cheap WordPress Hosting from Godaddy  and installing compelling entertainment website template and advertising.
You can then build your readership base and become a household brand.